Monday, 23 January 2012

Module 3: Create a Facebook Page

Today in lab, we learned how to make a Facebook Page. This is one resource you can use to provide future employers with professional information about yourself. I found that creating a Facebook Page is very simple and would be a valuable tool even for those who are less tech-savvy.

This particular page was created to practice some of the skills I will require when job-hunting in the future. I included information about my academic, career and volunteer experience as well as my skills, awards and hobbies. I also stated that "references were available upon request", because I did not want to give out the names and contact information of references on a site that is open to the public.
My Facebook Page

With the ever increasing use of social media, employers are increasingly using the internet to find out information about job applicants. As this Wall Street Journal Article states, recruiters and employers will often ask for your consent to a social-media background check when applying for a job. Having a Facebook Page will provide them with professional information about yourself when they conduct such a check, putting you a step above the competition. Marisa also talks about how Facebook Pages can be used to advance careers in her blog. Check it out!